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  • bluebomberman
    Feb 28, 01:24 AM
    Single source hardware is an asset to server reliability, not a detriment. Compare linux uptimes to AIX, Solaris, or HPUX, and there's no contest. Having 1 company on the hook for everything helps make things run way more smoothly. The trend towards linux in the data center is a detriment that mirrors wall street, with short term costs overruling long term benefit.

    That's debatable. Apple's reputation in business/enterprise support has never been stellar. Meanwhile, Google literally Velcro together their server farms, using cheap hardware that is vulnerable to failure at single points but is collectively resilient and efficient.

    These are extreme ends of the spectrum that I'm using as examples, though.

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  • jefhatfield
    Sep 16, 11:01 AM
    Originally posted by iGAV

    I would think that by the time Intel do inflict the P5 upon that we'll be if not running machines with Apples next generation PPC at that time, then they'll be right around the corner......

    And yep I joined akira's site...... although I won't be using it like I do mr...... and as akira said, it's not a rumour site, it's a discussion and problem site about current technical issues and hardware and software...... I thought Alphatech was funny...... sure he sometimes got a little heated, but there was alot of people that deserved it, and hey it spiced things up...... :p

    He seem alot more chilled over at his site..... so that's cool.... :)

    P.S It's good to have you back Jef....... ;) :)


    since akira/alphatech has started his site, i have only seen him once on macrumors...he is probably really busy getting everything up and going in the early stages...once it's there, i hope to see him pop in here every now and again

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  • Bollywood actress without

  • leekohler
    Sep 14, 09:32 PM
    Let me know how it is. I have to have knee surgery and surgery to fix vericose veins in my left leg pretty soon. Yuck.

    Good Luck!

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  • actresses without makeup

  • bedifferent
    Feb 19, 09:36 PM
    And Republicans are reknowned for being on the bread-line?! :confused::D

    Yeah, didn't you know? Bush lost MILLIONS in oil investments and Cheney is practically broke from the no-bid contracts Halliburton got during their administration. In fact, Condoleezza Rice had a hard time buying thousands of dollars in Ferragamo shoes on Fifth Ave while on vacation during Katrina, "How Condi Rice Spent the Storm" (http://www.counterpunch.org/mabry05152007.html).


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  • ejfontenot
    Mar 11, 09:48 PM
    Yea. If I can find one, I am gonna return my 16 gig black wifi for a 16 gig white AT&T

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  • Re: Heroines sans make up

  • big
    Sep 15, 12:21 AM
    I personally do a lot of rendering...Vector based specifically, and billing clients is an issue when it comes to architectural work.

    A lot of clients view an architect as being overpaid anyways, so when they see a 100 hour bill they can get a little uneasy.

    I pride myself on being able to produce the "best" & most completed set of drawings available, at the absolutely quickest time (ie, I draft like a bat out of hell, and do it accurately, though my spelling is atrocious)

    often I find I must boot into 9 just to produce...however, for mid level drawing 10 is "ok" on a 450 G4, its all about simulation I'm sure (using classic)

    once engsw.com releases Powercadd OSX native, I will be all over that...that should change my booting habits. Though I know a faster machine would make a world of a difference as well.


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  • without makeup

  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 12, 08:12 PM
    If people are less likely to use a cashier who is an ethnic minority (which I dispute, but anyway), would that make them less productive and less valuable for their employer?

    So, if it is thought that an ethnic minority would actually do a job worse, because of other people's discrimination, then ethnicity technically would make a difference to their ability to do a job.

    Would this be grounds for not employing them?

    no, that would be discrimination against them because of their race/ethnicity.....the fact that other people also might contribute additional discrimination doesn't negate or justify the employer's racial discrimination

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  • Mark Booth
    Apr 1, 09:53 AM
    Just buy a Slingbox and watch any channel you want, anywhere you want.

    Ditto! Slingbox rocks! And it's even more fun when you have a friend or two in other states that allow you to use their Slingbox to watch events that are blacked out in your own area. :)



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  • Without Makeup katrinakj0

  • G58
    Mar 20, 12:39 PM
    I'm not sure if many of us have grasped just how significant this product really is, and equally how important it is that it succeeds.

    Yes, this is obviously the case for Apple. I would contend that they're betting a huge proportion of their reputation, and therefore Apple's future success, on the iPad's success.

    But it's equally important for the rest of us. For decades MS has had a virtual monopoly in large areas of education sector. This hasn't been good for education and it surely hasn't been good for students.

    Apple need to get it right. And pricing is a part of that. The deal is a part of that. But it will be the nature of the whole package that makes or breaks iPad. And in the case of education, it's the deals Apple signs with text book publishers that will make all the difference.

    We buy iPods because the interface is great and buying music through iTunes is easy. [Yes, I know it's not the only way to get music on an iPod].

    We buy iPhones because the interface is great and buying apps through the App Store is easy [Yes, I know you can jailbreak an iPhone], and getting on the net is easy.

    We will buy iPads because the interface is great and buying books through iBookstore will be as easy as music and apps.

    When Steve Jobs said "We're standing on the shoulders of Amazon�s Kindle..." he wasn't kidding.

    In as many ways as the Kindle is revolutionary [the screen, the process of buying books etc], it is also equally crippled and retarded. The absence of colour makes it useless for text books. Books were printed with colour plates over 100 years ago. Imagine trying to study the use of colours in a artist's work, or studying anatomy... in B&W!

    No, Apple have to drown the Kindle before Amazon perfect colour. It's a race in which Apple already have a head start, and a serious competitive edge, in the form of their OS and entire business model, which is much more diverse and competent and than Amazon's.

    But we shouldn't ignore the other options:

    15 years after Amazon revolutionized the way we buy books [and arguably saved reading books as an idea], in 2009 Barnes & Noble finally started to catch on and announced it is to Launch a Kindle Competitor... in Color! And Fujitsu is set to release its Flepia color e-book reader in Japan with a $1,000 price tag.

    Whilst these are not competitors for the iPad in the real sense, they are indicators of how their market could be dinted, and where the technology might be going.

    Apple's are not the only fruit, but the iPad is looking increasingly like the most credible education companion. We need to get beyond the package pricing and examine the real benefits of a ubiquitous Apple device in the education sector.

    heroines without makeup. Of-course! Trisha
  • Of-course! Trisha

  • Eduardo1971
    Mar 28, 08:24 AM
    Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it is sad the Mac OS is mentioned after iOS.:(


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  • jwong3854
    Mar 31, 10:39 AM
    Called Frys this morning, and they have 2 Black AT&T 32GB..Got one for myself, so easy. Now I can cancel my order from apple.com

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  • robinp
    Nov 6, 01:25 AM
    My old flatmate was invited by O2 to take part in a trial of this technology in a nokia phone here in london. The phone had the ability to be an Oyster card (pay for public transport), an instant pay barclay card and to read a series of tags which he was given. Not sure what they were really useful for to be honest, but I guess you could set it up to change settings depending on location.

    I think the trial was a success, so it doesn't surprise me that this would be incorporated in the iPhone.


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  • Bollywood actress without

  • gloss
    Mar 27, 11:46 AM
    Other than the fact that it identifies the races of the participants, what makes it "racist?"

    I think the fact that it takes place in front of a bookstore and is therefore treated as 'noteworthy'.

    I also think that some people get their panties in a bunch over some pretty stupid things.

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  • Katrina Kaif without makeup

  • whoodie
    Mar 11, 09:51 PM
    So what happened at Knox st. Was it a sellout there as well? Anybody have any info from the area Fry's, BB, or Targets?


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  • Bollywood actress without

  • 3247
    Jun 20, 07:11 AM
    The standard file system of SDXC cards is exFat (http://www.sdcard.org/developers/tech/sdxc/capabilities/) -- so does this mean the Mini now supports exFat?
    exFAT supports needs an Mac OS X update. Once Mac OS X is updated, older Macs will support SDXC cards, too. The older Macs won't support the higher speed, though.

    SDXC actually contains two new features:

    exFAT → requires new software (file system driver)
    faster bus speed → requires new hardware (card reader)

    SDHC has no built-in limit at 32 GB. It's an arbitrary limit imposed by the choice of FAT32 as the file system (which is arbitrarily limited to 32 GB by Microsoft).

    heroines without makeup. HEROINES WITHOUT MAKE-UP

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Oct 10, 07:49 AM
    Exactly! That's why the iMacs didn't get the Intel procssors until 7 months after the Mac Pros, right?Apple was in transition working from the bottom up to the pro models but now that the transition is complete I guess it will be back to the old way of doing things. I could be wrong and would love to see everything updated. You just never know with Apple because of the backroom deals they make with manufactors.


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  • Actress without Makeup -

  • MrSmith
    Nov 11, 09:57 PM
    No. In fact the average Japanese cannot say 'robster'. The 'L to R' problem ('ret's go') is when Japanese know they're trying to say an English word with 'L' and automatically think the Japanese sound would be incorrect so try to make it sound more like English. The actual Japanese L/R sound is nearer to 'L' and our English words beginning with 'L' are not a problem. Therefore the average Japanese would pronounce 'lobster' with an 'L' but 'rabbit' would be pronounced 'labbit'.

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  • Without Makeup Deepika

  • alongston
    Dec 27, 11:58 PM
    I often check into places just so I can see if any of my friends are there also (sporting events, concerts, etc). If you want to "check out" all you do is go to your profile and delete your check in.

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  • without makeuparticle

  • Satori
    Apr 1, 08:42 AM
    Do these companies really want people to pay for the same content twice? Surely they can't realistically expect to a get premium for viewing in the same location but just through a different medium?

    Sadly, this doesn't surprise me at all.

    Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 17, 04:02 PM
    I'll hopefully be going to London for one of the stores. Either Regent Street or Kingston (because I know a Mac Genius there), I haven't made my mind up yet though.

    Sep 17, 09:02 AM
    tell them you apple-care about them alot :D

    Sep 13, 09:22 AM
    I know -- just a few minutes with them and they'll have you in stitches.
    And surgeons are less boring in bed - anesthesiologists always want to put you under, er, be on top.

    Oct 6, 11:09 AM
    Apps all run in the same format and screen size. Even the new retina display is only an enlargement of the original format, but shown at the higher resolution. Apps running on the iPad run at the native format, or specifically for the iPad format, which is different code.

    If Apple introduced a different sized screen, that would be a pain to the installed base and app developer. For this reason, I don't think it is true.

    Is it not possible that perhaps you could have a smaller screen with a higher pixel density than the 3G and thus the same resolution in order to prevent this issue?

    Apr 2, 08:21 PM
    I used it for 20 minutes and gave up on the program. I won't revisit the program until version 3. That's how bad I think it is.