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  • Tommyg117
    Sep 27, 09:58 AM
    Updates rock, but just give me leeeeooooopard

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  • Aries zodiac sign tattoo

  • Knowimagination
    Mar 7, 08:46 PM

    Why wait outdoors (Knox) when you can wait indoors (Northpark)?

    It is supposed to be a high of 70 and sunny all day friday, why wouldn't someone want to spend some time outside with that nice of weather.

    horoscope tattoo. For me in chinese horoscope I
  • For me in chinese horoscope I

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 30, 07:44 PM
    No...it's NOT u/linix sorry...because "web page servers" are not the only computers in data centers!

    Hum, you do understand all those big financial institutions and banks don't actually use Windows server for their big enterprise level CRMs and other important packages right ?

    Unix and Linux are used for way more than just "web server". Maybe you should try working 1 day in IT before you talk about IT. ;)

    Of course, you probably don't want to hear the truth and wouldn't accept it anyhow, keep believing in Windows' importance because that's what you see on the desktop, I'll keep working on real OSes in my cushy IT job far away from anything made by Redmond.

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  • aries horoscope tattoos

  • onthecouchagain
    May 3, 02:12 PM
    I know this is more of a "wish" thread than a "likely to happen" thread, but I'm going to chime in and predict that the Air refresh will be fairly minor.

    I predict we'll see Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt (like the Pro/iMac lines) and better GPU, but beyond that, I predict same body design, no addition of backlit keys, and the worst prediction: likely the same SSD configurations. I say this based on the refreshed iMac SSD options; the prices for SSD have not gone down even in the slightest. I predict the base SSD options and even the BTO options will remain the same as they are today. Of course, I hope I am way wrong.

    The last thing, which in my opinion can swing one way or another, is the RAM. I predict it'll stay standard (again, based on the iMac refresh) at 2 GB, and will not come standard 4 GB. Again, I hope so too that this will swing in a more favorable way.

    Pure speculation.


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  • Leo Zodiac Tattoo Designs

  • twoodcc
    Apr 20, 11:11 AM
    thanks for welcoming me. i had a windows box running SETI all day but saw that Macrumors had a folding@home team so decided to join in. i have a question though, does having a dedicated GPU help out alot? Right the computer only has integrated graphics.

    welcome to the team and thanks for joining!

    as for a dedicated GPU, it depends. you can run a GPU folding client, which will use your video card for folding, and you can still run a CPU client also. right now, nvidia cards work much better for folding.

    what setup do you have now?

    horoscope tattoo. Cancer Horoscope Tattoos
  • Cancer Horoscope Tattoos

  • batchtaster
    Apr 5, 12:17 PM
    This is the primary design flaw with the iPad. This tablet can't be the normal person's computer unless every normal person has a tech friend/relative to keep the tablet working/updated. So while Woz is correct that the tablet will be the normal person's computer, Apple's iPad is not yet that tablet.

    What iPad user can't figure out how to use iTunes to sync the thing? My 65-year old mother figured out how to sync her iPod classic. How is iPad syncing any different or more complicated than what people have been doing for a decade? iPad does not require a tech genius - or 12 year old kid - to keep it working.


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  • Tribal Zodiac Tattoos · Click

  • johng2222
    Mar 22, 11:03 AM
    I read some of these posts and wonder if the people debating "What good is the Ipad?" are paying any attention to what people are doing. And, I mean, doing now that they never did before...

    I took notes in university in longhand. I'd never do that again. Not when I can sit there (or, someone else can) and record the lectures on a digital recorder. Most lectures you only need to hear twice before you've squeezed out what there is to get. If I took notes, it would be from the replay - and I'd fast forward through that! Then again, what are email and Skype good for?

    Mobile phones were a hilarious idea when I first heard about them. And, I first heard about them because the engineering students were working out how to do "cells" so you could move around. You could see the sole antennae tower (Up there!) as you used the phone - outside - and you could also usually see a bank of pay phones somewhere around you at the same time where you could make calls for a dime. Now, you go to the can and talk on the sh****er and people think this is "normal."

    I used to spend hours in the language lab parroting tapes. Ridiculous idea now to go to dedicated building, to a special room, to ask some guy to change your tape from his "star trek" booth in the front of the "lab." And, don't ask me about all the lectures and stuff that used to be on LP records that you had to check out - after you got there in the rain - from the library. (Remember those?) As for "Educational TV..." Egad, the amount of effort spent getting everyone to sit down in the darkened classroom. And, over head projectors.... Snooze....

    And, dictionaries and reference manuals and, oh yeah, textbooks... We're talking 80 pounds of books to keep track of and haul around. A few people were destructive/smart enough to take their notes IN the book. Hell if you forgot them, or, lost them, however...

    I could go on, but I wonder if I was ever dumb enough to really care about the negatives being offered about this device when there are so many clear advantages to this and others being used in combination.

    Last, I volunteer teach a number of skills and hobbies and have noted that the PC generation would "drill down" into an issue a lot more than the current "google" generation can even imagine doing. My generation would read books, take notes, and discuss things. The PC generation would read books, figure out some way to graph things, and then argue the results. The current group honestly thinks - in the way that they think - that every question has an answer and it can be looked up. Any sentence longer than ten words puts them to sleep.

    Still, they have a point. This Ipad, and other devices, is/are a tremendous learning and work shortcut and people will become increasingly addicted. They won't be wise, or, good neighbors, but they will be good customers for anything - including your offerings - if you can keep it simple, and quickly accessible.

    horoscope tattoo. Capricorn Zodiac Sign Tattoos
  • Capricorn Zodiac Sign Tattoos

  • davetroup
    May 5, 08:08 PM
    I measured with a caliper, it's 0.373 on my white iPhone 4. Definitely thicker than the black one.


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  • hidden horoscopes tattoo

  • rodpascoe
    Sep 25, 10:45 AM
    Your friend sounds like a dork. "OOOH, my HP has a Core 2 Duo! I AM SO l33t!"

    Give me a break.

    Bet OSX zooms on it though! Oh, wait, hang on..... nope it can't run it can it?!

    :cool: :rolleyes:

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  • chinese zodiac tattoo monkey

  • hulugu
    Apr 4, 01:02 PM
    The Laffer Curve makes sense. You find a balance and you have taxes that are low enough not to hinder the economy and high enough to fund the government. I really don't understand where this "keep lowering taxes" logic comes from. It certainly has nothing to do with the Laffer Curve.

    The Laffer Curve is often referenced, but you're correct about it's actual meaning. Some conservatives have taken the Curve to mean that lowering taxes will always bring about more revenue. Something this article is trying to address.

    I wasn't making that argument so I guess I was confused why it was brought up. I've only been making an argument that the article can't conclude cutting taxes resulted in the budget problem. A state may have cut taxes and their economy might not have improved since cutting taxes, but the author of the article needs to fill in the gap and explain why there is a correlation/causation.

    Negative correlation is very difficult to prove, but the article was merely noting that lowering taxes does not make for a rising economy. Obviously, we'd look to see if raising taxes improved the economy, and we might try to use some statistical methods to identify correlation.

    What's important is that many conservative politicians have been selling low taxes as a fix for state budgetary problems�Wisconsin is a good example�without acknowledging that such measure often don't work, especially in the short-term.

    I propose that you could run a state with some income tax or no income tax if the budget was made competently. So, IMO, cutting taxes does not, in and of itself, mean it has caused a budget shortfall. I personally think cutting taxes does help the economy but that's not what is at issue here.

    In the short-term, lowering taxes just takes money from the state purse and does not drive new economic development. In the mid-term and long-term, lower taxes may encourage growth, but there's not a direct connection between taxation and economic development. They are orthogonal elements.

    I have only a general understanding of the theories those guys you mentioned are famous for. I think Austrian economics make much more sense. A theory of how to get the maximum tax dollars out of the people is irrelevant to me. It's like studying how much blood you can drain from people while keeping them alive. My preferred income tax rate is 0.

    For the Red Cross, knowing that fact is infinitely useful. For government, some tax is necessary to maintain infrastructure, pay for public safety, and encourage a social society. The complicated part is how to get some money without adversely affecting the entire society.

    I don't mind paying taxes because I like good roads, working sewers, and schools. I also like national parks, museums and libraries. I don't mind paying for cops, firefighters, and department of environmental quality either. These are useful things that help me more than they cost to me personally and I would hesitate to argue that for nearly everyone this is true.

    I wouldn't have believed it 3 years ago but now I can say from experience that anyone can do it if that's what they want to do. It's all a matter of hard work and willingness to live cheaply. The only thing that might tie you down is a family. I live for traveling so I've just worked my life to be able to do what I like. 3 years ago I was a law school dropout with no prospects and a monthly loan repayment of $1100. The highest paying job I qualified for was tutoring.

    We should talk.

    I've traveled a lot and I'm hoping to do more once my son is a bit older.


    horoscope tattoo. Tribal tattoo - Capricorn
  • Tribal tattoo - Capricorn

  • daneoni
    Jan 6, 05:00 PM
    Yay another push app to drain that 1200mAh

    horoscope tattoo. /06/symbol-zodiac-tattoo-
  • /06/symbol-zodiac-tattoo-

  • weiss
    Oct 13, 03:49 AM
    i really wonder: why not "made in america" or "made in europe"? :confused:

    The manufacturing costs would escalate and Apple wouldn't profit nearly as much.

    Boy I hope not. Unless they can get some cooler silicon off-board, giving up battery life for 12 FPS in Quake just isn't a good bargain for 97% of the market.

    I hope they introduce that option. Then it would be up to the customer to pick integrated or dedicated graphics, depending on his[her] needs.


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  • for you.2011 Zodiac Tattoo

  • ob81
    Nov 5, 07:36 PM
    Hong Kong, Japan & a few other countries have been using technology like this for a while. Hopefully it'll start being mainstream in Western countries soon.

    Hong Kong uses a SMART type card for everything, transport, vending machines, etc etc.

    Japan uses their mobile phones, AFAIK :P

    Yeah, it is so wide spread in Japan that you can use it at little corner shops these days. Great technology.

    horoscope tattoo. Asian Horoscope Tattoos
  • Asian Horoscope Tattoos

  • Friscohoya
    Mar 25, 05:10 PM
    Actually for apple this is page one news.


    horoscope tattoo. Cancer Zodiac Sign Tattoos
  • Cancer Zodiac Sign Tattoos

  • Reach9
    May 2, 11:29 PM
    ..in favour of spending more on the military (buying new jets in the coming years) and more willing to spend huge amounts on security and the like (~$1 billion spent for security during the Toronto G20 summit)..

    The G20 summit was absolutely pointless, it'll be a year in a few months. Here's hoping for a better next 4 years.. and hopefully the Liberals get their act together and come back.

    horoscope tattoo. Capricorn Zodiac Symbol Tattoo
  • Capricorn Zodiac Symbol Tattoo

    Aug 12, 01:56 PM
    I hope it uses it's own battery!:D


    horoscope tattoo. Tribal horoscope tattoos
  • Tribal horoscope tattoos

  • MrSmith
    Mar 28, 10:02 AM
    Maybe they'll announce iPhoto isn't a POS anymore.

    horoscope tattoo. Oh the horoscope tattoo,
  • Oh the horoscope tattoo,

  • BRLawyer
    Feb 19, 04:30 AM
    Steve looks the same as he did at the last two keynotes.

    Exactly what I said before this thread turned into a shambles...there's no way to tell whether he looks better or worse than the last six months - it's just the same.

    And I am gonna mirror another poster's question: was the bad actor banned?

    horoscope tattoo. Tribal horoscope tattoos
  • Tribal horoscope tattoos

  • mac-er
    Apr 3, 07:27 PM
    Pages 1.0 is typical Apple. Anytime Apple puts out the first version of a product, its really a beta.

    And, no, not necessarily because of bugs, but because it lacks the features or speed that a GM product should (ie OS 10.0)

    Aug 14, 10:12 AM
    Oh yea, that evidence is so convincing...sugar for flies, wow. It definitely still applies to humans and this situation as all metaphorical cliches are so undeniably true
    Of course it applies. Your assinine response has me thinking you're a jerk. Had you responded in a positive manner, even if disagreeing, my opinion of you would be entirely different. How's that for a simple real life example? Positivity is always preferable to negativity.

    Jan 10, 01:38 PM
    The push still hasn't worked in a few days for both mine and my wife's iPhone. So much for giving it a try.

    Sep 26, 01:17 PM
    What you forget is that many Apple users will turn on Apple without proof at the slightest hint of anything to object to, however trivial :)

    So much for being mindless Apple-praising "sheep" and "zealots" :D

    Apr 6, 02:41 PM
    Am I missing something here? The whole point of a dock adaptor is so that you can have a dock for your laptop ready and waiting for you on your desk where you can have all of your TBolt, USB 3, USB 2 and displays all sitting ready and waiting. The presence of a dock adaptor doesn't necessarily mean that the laptop itself won't have it's own USB2/3, TBolt ports or whatever. No docking computer has ever got rid of all of the on-laptop ports in the past and Apple would be shooting themselves in the foot if they did. It would be a total non-starter.

    Sep 25, 10:55 AM
    The site has been updated!

    Good eye! Thanks for the heads up.