periods in periodic table

periods in periodic table. periods in periodic table.
  • periods in periodic table.

  • jonnysods
    Mar 28, 03:36 PM
    This is kind of rough. Shame it's heading this way.

    periods in periodic table. Periodic
  • Periodic

  • wordoflife
    Mar 19, 05:29 PM
    Here in England thats a pretty common figure of speech that people use all the time. It doesn't mean literally ages. I forgot this was an American forum, but what does that have to do with anything anyway?

    I'm from the US and I even understood what you were saying. It's just figurative language. It looks like people just want something to rant on you about.

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table of Typefaces
  • Periodic Table of Typefaces

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 16, 08:47 AM
    From my original post:

    Funny thing out of all of this: I had a set of Monster Cables for the 360 which force the system to run in HD. Whoever took it will have a nice surprise when they get it home and find out they can't run it on their SD set. (Kinda assuming they won't have an HD TV if they are stealing a 360...)

    I'm pretty sure this is why they haven't been able to play any games on the system. They keep logging into Xbox Live but since they get no video output from the console, they cant even see that there are friend requests, voice chat requests, messages, etc.

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table of Elements
  • Periodic Table of Elements

  • Gatesbasher
    Mar 24, 04:07 PM
    I still think OS X peaked from an aesthetic and reliability standpoint with Panther. They've added more capabilities of course, but I'm always noticing fresh things missing with each release, and what with the interface becoming progressively duller and dingier....

    That said, if OS X goes away, I'll simply stop using a computer. The alternatives aren't worth the suffering.

    periods in periodic table. Period Table of Typefaces
  • Period Table of Typefaces

  • captain138
    Apr 14, 09:01 PM
    ahoy, this thread and recent events inspired me to sign up and share and maybe help as well.

    i actually stumbled upon this thread from another message board not very long ago, and thought to myself what a terrible situation. well, around 1:30 am last saturday morning, three guys kicked in the front door to my house, went to my roomate's room and attacked him, stabbing him near 13 times. they stole his ps2, my 360 (no controllers or connection cords), my zune, my electric guitar, and the nunchuck to my wiimote. thankfully, none of the attack was fatal and my roomate is making a full recovery. tuesday of this past week, a friend calls to tell me that he sees my xbox live name online. i call microsoft and just like in your case, they are unwilling to give out the ip info, which in retrospect is definitely understandable. as i was on the phone with them, our detective calls me and tells me they found my zune and possibly my 360. the people responsible for the break in and attack had been doing numerous breakins and robberies and were finally apprehended. it ended up being a group of around 6 to 7 people, men and women, adults and teens. the ones involved in our situation are currently looking at 60 years each, and more years added on if it ends up being gang related.

    my main reason for posting is this. i live in valdosta, ga. it's barley over an hour away from tallahassee. the detectives informed me that wherever these criminals were caught, they had stockpiles of stolen items, including quite a few xbox's. i know it's most likely a long shot, but from what we've been told, these guys have been up to it for a while. seeing as how we're not that far away, i thought that it may have been helpful. i know that if it did turn up, it'd be like an episode of "lost" what with coincidences and all, but i felt compelled to respond, seeing as how a week ago i read your story about becoming a victim, then i became one myself, and seeing as how it is looking hopeful at a possible return, thought i'd try and pass on a bit of hope too.

    and i feel you on the guitar hero. i had only had it for two days, and the disc was inside my 360 when they took it.

    periods in periodic table. Periods In Periodic Table.
  • Periods In Periodic Table.

  • overcast
    Jan 15, 03:37 PM
    Rentals should be $2 MAX.

    periods in periodic table. Pyramid Periodic Table
  • Pyramid Periodic Table

  • ct2k7
    Apr 17, 08:15 PM
    Anyone to comment on the iPhone pics at

    periods in periodic table. Periodic Table
  • Periodic Table

  • saving107
    Mar 17, 01:03 AM
    Continue to justify yourself, don't worry, your not the bad guy here, Best Buy is.

    And as much as you hate them, you continue to give them your business and use their Reward Zone service.

    periods in periodic table. The periodic table
  • The periodic table

  • sarper
    Apr 26, 12:37 AM
    As a developer, this will be pain in the ass!

    Retina Displays have exactly the double number of pixels with the same resolution, having a second resolution is a giant step to gain one of the crappiest features of Android. I really doubt Apple would do that.

    What if this isn't a bigger screen but a smaller device with the same screen on it? Hmm..

    periods in periodic table. in a periodic table.
  • in a periodic table.

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 17, 06:20 PM
    for the things you mentioned you should replace the word 'envy' with 'jealously' :)

    I've bought the first iPhone and have never gone back. I totally understand your situation lol, it comes with owning any luxury item. Usually its people who've never owned it themself that go bashing it. I personally haven't had as much encounters but I have friends who get harassed constantly lol.

    The antennagate thing is the classic example of a non-user/owner reading some silly article and gripping it for every attack. None of my friends or myself use a case and we have absolutely no reception issues.

    The funniest case was my friends colleague attacking him, saying it was the worse phone ever, most overpriced phone ever, its heavy! it has no flash! His Xperia X10 was miles better! Week later he buys his own iPhone 4 and stayed quiet about the topic. I rest my case.

    On a positive note, I always get good encounters with the girls at work about iPhones lol.

    Lol yeah I think jealousy is probably a better term.

    periods in periodic table. for periodic table geeks
  • for periodic table geeks

  • Eric374
    Mar 18, 01:03 AM
    About the Lock up, I think most of them don't know we can just do a hard reset without pulling out the battery in the iPhone. Just hold the power and home button down.

    Actually I think its more the people with a turbo'ed Japanese imports that give an earfull to the European car owners. Or the Casio owners who brag how accurate digital is vs the luxury watches. I know someone who had to ask someone for the time cause her Piaget watched was unreadable due to the amount of flares coming from the diamonds inside LOL.. Obviously a fail watch but what you gonna do, sue them?

    Jealously is all I can think of =)

    You bring up some very good points there with the car and watch analogies.
    I carry an English chronograph pocket watch from the 1870's, and people always give me crap about it. It's nearly accurate to Railroad standards and it uses a key to wind it, I love it. The most common comment is "wow, that's an old timer", or "gonna be late Mr. Rabbit?" to which I reply, "I hope I'm working this well when I'm 130 years old!

    On the iPhone front, I usually hear the same thing that everyone else has posted, overpriced, fanboy, can't remove the battery, etc. But I've found that the best reply is "how's that battery life going, I'm on day 2" usually shuts 'em up.

    periods in periodic table. It#39;s a periodic table,
  • It#39;s a periodic table,

  • conradzoo
    Sep 12, 07:35 AM

    This is like Independence Day, you know, everybody reporting in from everywhere that spaceships are sighted.

    periods in periodic table. periods in periodic table. in
  • periods in periodic table. in

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 07:09 PM
    Lol, serious? Sorry bro, sounds pretty much the same to me. You're still assuming that because someone compares features with you, or comments on your phone, that they are jealous of you because of your phone.

    Thats the point though! If it was just comparing features or commenting then that would be fine, it just flat out rudeness and is totally unprovoked. I was just minding my own damn business and then some of these people come out with this nonsense.

    Comments like, "oh you so you have an iPhone, my XYZ is better because of this", "you paid �500 for a phone you need a case to use", "you're in a closed platform that is inferior in every way", "you paid more money for a shiny apple logo". Its comments like these that are totally unprovoked which irk me.

    By no means am I saying that someone can't have their own opinion, but theres no need to be rude about it. The person that posted below you pretty much summed it up.

    periods in periodic table. periods in periodic table.
  • periods in periodic table.

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 25, 04:49 PM
    No problem dejo, I understand.. It can be frustrating for others as well as myself and that's why some people tell you to go read all Apple's documentation for a simple question and some others help you no matter what. Speaking a language fluidly could take years, I can hardly speak French myself but that is not stoping me from going to France & ask for coffee in their language. (even if they get upset cause I talk awful, which some do, but some others like it :P).

    About my issue, I think I solve it. I was able to show up an alarm with using that method after I declare it appropriately.

    I now have some thing like this :

    - (IBAction) cancelTime: (id) sender

    periods in periodic table. two of the periodic table,
  • two of the periodic table,

  • Chone
    Mar 23, 06:16 PM
    Excellent! :)

    This is kind of a tricky situation... it's stealing, but if you allow it to happen you basically suck. :P

    When I last went home to visit parents, I found an open router called "linksys" and I connected to its conf page using the default login/password and changed the SSID to "open_router_please_hack_me" ;)

    Heh I know that will never happen to me, my walls are so thick, my neighbors walls are so thick and I have NO adjacent houses next to mine anyway... hell, the wireless signal barely gets to my room :D and even so I have it secured :)

    Back on topic rtdgoldfish, at least now you know that whoever stole your Xbox360 is near you and you'll probably get it back, even if a little late. Best of luck :)

    periods in periodic table. Review - The Periodic Table
  • Review - The Periodic Table

  • partyBoy
    Apr 10, 09:09 PM
    - Lavender polo
    - Red t-shirt with this batman old skool comic print

    periods in periodic table. poster size periodic table
  • poster size periodic table

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 06:13 AM
    ??? Actually, those first versions of Windows were the only ones with names based on the version number.

    Although, I can't make out what either of you are saying.

    Egad. No sense of humor around here at all. I'm not 'saying' anything, just making a jab at the wording of a previous poster's wording (i.e. Windows7 took 7 years to get right, which is silly sounding when OSX has been at that 'version' for 10+ years. Now do some of you get it? Ragging on Windows7 (based on 'vista' which is only 5 years old by release date, although obviously started earlier internally (i.e. the 7 year old date makes no sense to begin with) and it's really based on NT which is 18 years old) when OSX is older (released for 10+ years and based on NeXT Step (NOT OS9) which is MUCH older (1985) than Windows period and that's based on Unix which is literally ancient in the tech world (1969). So no matter how you look at it, a comment that makes fun of Windows7' age versus OSX is ironic/funny/silly. That's the joke I saw. How silly of me to think people would 'get it'. :rolleyes:

    periods in periodic table. periodic table of element
  • periodic table of element

  • Al Coholic
    May 2, 11:02 AM
    iSteve caves to the likes of Al Franken. Yep. Too Funny.

    Maybe Al can get Apple to put a real GPU back in the MBP13? I'm off to email him. Wish me luck!

    periods in periodic table. row or period represents
  • row or period represents

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 26, 12:39 AM
    I'll be a little bummed if this turns out to be the iPhone 5, especially with no resolution bump. I don't mean I'll be upset with slightly less ppi, but I would like to have a little more screen space instead of just a barely enlarged one.

    I'll have to see what Apple has in store for iOS 5. If it's worth it I'll get another iPhone, if not maybe I'll check out the Pre 3.

    As a developer, this will be pain in the ass!

    Retina Displays have exactly the double number of pixels with the same resolution, having a second resolution is a giant step to gain one of the crappiest features of Android. I really doubt Apple would do that.

    What if this isn't a bigger screen but a smaller device with the same screen on it? Hmm..

    Before posting it's always a good idea to read the article and a little bit of the thread, not just the headline. Had you done any research, something I expect of developers, you would know that the general consensus is that it will be a larger screen with the same resolution. Also, Apple is giving you quite an amazing product and App Store to sling your wares instead of complaining you should maybe just put a little more effort into your applications and thank Apple for the opportunity they're giving you and others.

    Jan 2, 07:52 AM
    The iPhone 4 uses the Infineon X-GOLD 61x baseband processor, which supports HSDPA/HSUPA.

    No HSPA+.

    No LTE.

    I've read that the Samsung Galaxy S phones use the same chip.

    Apr 25, 03:40 PM
    my question is what would you have McDonalds employees do.

    You are asking teenagers to get involved in a fight and try to break it up.
    Not really something you expect the average person of the street to do why should teenagers working and McDonalds be any different.
    Heck most of the time betting/ fights are over before the brain finishes processing "Is that really happening?" followed by "Should I do anything?" Most of the time they get stuck in an endless loop of not sure what to do and the fight or flight responses takes over.

    While the people doing the beating deserve to rot in jail at the same time I would not expect the employees to do anything other than really call the cops. This is one would you expect a person of the street to do something other than really call the cops and it is still over by the time the above loop is completed.

    oh and btw the link you provided is to your mail inbox. We can not read it.

    as an adult yes but you are telling random Teenagers who are in shock seeing something. Different story there.

    Also remember most work places (Retail) tell there employees not to get involved really for fear of the employee getting hurt.

    The filming it on a cell phone and not doing anything bothers me but at the same token what do you expect them to do.

    Like I said the human brain is going to get stuck in the loop "What is that really happening?" and the "Should I do something?" That going to hold them in place for quite a while. After the fact yes you can look back on it but during the fact you have that endless loop you have to break out of that is very hard to do.

    In something like that first thing I would of done is called 911. Response time for something like that should be 1-2 mins tops the nearest cop should be there.
    I remember calling the cops on a domestic fight and from 911 to the cop showing up it was under 2 mins and on that one the cop was not going no come in sirens a blazing for they want to use the shock of lights be shown on them to break it up. This is something they would come in with sirens on.

    You expect employees who make minimum wage to break up a fight? They should call the cops, but for sure not break up a fight.

    What would we have them do? They didn't have time to do anything? According to the report: "These employees can be heard on the video shouting words of encouragement to the attackers." Sounds like they had more then enough time to figure out what was going on and acted on it. Do you like what they chose to do?

    Mar 28, 09:26 PM
    What I don't get is why wouldn't any developer want to distribute through the MacApp store? Unless they make a vertical market product (like my company and we would never use any mass-market distribution channel) I can't see why a developer wouldn't?

    Because their application doesn't conform to apple's Mac AppStore rules. There may be very good reasons why an application cannot be modified to comply.

    Even Apple break their own Mac Appstore rules! ( i.e., XCode ).

    Apr 5, 03:20 PM
    orrrrrrrr maybe this is a good way for those looking to develop iAds to look at some of the ways other companies are using this new platform for marketing.

    Oct 6, 11:41 AM
    The iPhone to Verizon won't happen, especially with the announcement today that Verizon is teaming up with Google and their Android phone. I at first thought the commercial was just a leverage ploy on Verizons part, working on Apple and their negotiations. Now I think it's just the first shot over the bow.

    Time to look at unlocking and bailing to T-Mo again and get out of this crap-shoot called AT$T.